Sass on the gate

Name: Sasata Sata
Race: Dunesfolk Lalafell
Gender: Female
Age: Late 20s

Height: 2 fulms, 9 1/2 ilms
Weight: 38 ponze
Hair Colour: Red-brown & white
Eye Colour: Amber
Tattoos: Cat whiskers on her cheeks

Nicknames: Sass, Stray, Squirrel
Nameday: 4th Sun, 4th Astral Moon
Pronouns: She/Her/Bro
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Citizenship: Limsa Lominsa/Kugane
Languages: Eorzean, Hingashi, Fae
Occupation: Shop owner & gambler

Affiliated With: The Higuri Regalia

Sass on the gate

The Looks...

Blessed with a perpetually babyfaced set of looks, a fairly average build for a lalafell that boasts no real extra muscle or fat, and standing at a very unimpressive two fulms, nine and a half ilms, this tanned woman would probably get mistaken for an underaged person very easily if it weren't for her gambling and drinking habits. There's almost always a huge grin plastered across her round face - though her canine teeth are longer and much more pointed than they should be - and her wide amber eyes dance with mischief. They also have black slit pupils, which is very odd for a Dunesfolk.A set of three slightly faded whisker-like black lines are tattooed across each of her chubby cheeks. There are a single pair of piercings in the lobes of her ears, though she normally only wears only one earring - it looks like a miniature aetherstone. Her red-brown hair is kept in a loose braid and ponytail combination but is still always a bit messy, as if she has perpetual bedhead. There are white streaks and patches throughout her hair, though it doesn't look like regular greying - it looks intentionally (but messily) bleached out.Her fashion sense leans toward roguish, with Lominsan pirate colour themes and Hingan/Doman outfits common to the criminal classes as typical looks. Of late, she's been seen most often in some strange outfits that are closer to modern streetwear than anything else - running shoes, cut off pants and headphones. The little red collar with a gold bell never leaves her neck regardless of outfit; if you can get close enough, you might notice it is engraved with some Hingan characters.She also always carries a deck of Sharlayan playing cards, and she somehow manages to hide it - along with at least two daggers (and usually many more) at any time - even when her clothes have no obvious hiding spots for anything.

What About Personality?

...And The Personality

Loud, boisterous, and extremely friendly, Sasata can and will talk to - or at - anyone at any time, anywhere. She is optimistic and personable, quick to smile and seemingly bereft of any sense of personal space. She tends to look for the fun in everything and appears to be lighthearted and almost childlike in nature. Being of a chaotic and carefree mind, she chafes under strict authority and is prone to quick-witted back-sassing. She likes gambling and alcohol, and wanders more than staying in one place. She has the public air of a complete slacker, barfly, and degenerate gambler with heart.Under that is another story - extremely street-smart and very quick to pick up on things, she has used her outgoing personality to get information from people and will tailor lies to get it. She's also never as drunk as she looks - she uses alcohol as a cover; being "drunk" means people aren't as closed-off around her. She likes children, the downtrodden, and stray animals, often going out of her way to help any of these as best she can. If it makes someone smile, no price is too high.

quiz results from a Meet Your Archetypes quiz

Some Tropes That Apply to Sass

Wait, what was that last one?

Everybody Wants to be a Cat!

You read the tropes part of the last page right - though she doesn't make it public knowledge, the lalafell-shaped creature known as Sasata Sata is actually a 100-year-old shapeshifted cat yōkai, a maneki neko. The disguise is so good that she actually forgot this herself until recently.Maneki neko (beckoning cat in Hingan) are widely considered to be good luck in the Far East, with small statues or paintings of them visible in many shops to help draw in customers or money. Sasata - or rather, Yotsuba - comes from very long line of them.Her supernatural abilities include shapeshifting (most often seen forms are lalafell, full calico kitten form, and something resembling a very short miqote version of the lalafell form), portal magic, small illusions, probability and luck manipulation and the ability to draw money to herself; the rest of her powers are normal Eorzean and Hingan magic. She is also bound to Kugane and its people, and must return to their markets at least once every five years to ensure their prosperity or risk losing her powers.

A drawing of a round, happy, calico cat with one paw raised done in the style of Japanese ink paintings, drawn by nightmaresyrup.

Maneki Neko by nightmaresyrup!

Art of a calico cat with a little fang poking out

Kinda like this, but with a collar.

The feline form of Sasata/Yotsuba is a small, fluffy, white kitten with calico patches in black and orange and a bob tail, very much resembling the pictures here - though not quite as bowling ball shaped. It wears the same red collar with gold bell that the lalafell form does, but is otherwise unremarkable.Those paying attention while in Kogane Dori, however, will note a distinct reverence on the part of the merchants while the cat is in residence. Many will leave food or drinks out for it, some will actually bow when it turns up, and residents will always ask the cat if it's okay to do so before petting it.

Okay, so how'd she become an adventurer?

The Things She Totes!

Everything listed here can be considered on Sasata's person at any given time. There may be other things secreted about her (usually food or interesting small objects), but these items are always present. All her belongings except the bell collar are pickpocketable - and she'll let you take them even if she notices - but the same warning applies here that applies to her store: remove at your own risk. Your luck may change drastically and for the worse if you lift her stuff...You can also check out the companions she travels with!

A deck of cards

Deck of Sixty: A well worn and often used deck of Sharlayan cards with a field of light yellow stars on a navy backdrop on the backs. Several of the edges are foxed, a few corners a bit bent, and the designs on the faces aren't all clear anymore.

A musketoon

Home-Built Handgun: Given to her by a friend in a mercenary company she worked with after a shared adventure, this gun is always tucked somewhere inside whatever outfit Sasata is wearing - even if she doesn't use it.

A red collar with a little gold bell.

Red Collar With Bell: Often mistaken for a piece of namazu jewelry, Sasata is rarely seen without this collar around her neck. The golden bell has the Hingashi characters for four-leafed clover engraved in it.

A booze skin

Small Booze Skin: A lalafell-sized alcohol holder, this skin has seen plenty of use. It usually has something with rum in it contained within. Or just plain rum. If you're lucky, Sasata will share.

An oblong coin.

Namazu Koban: A small oblong coin with namazu writing on both sides. There's a good chance it can be traded for something, but Sasata doesn't seem willing to part with it. She often rolls it over her knuckles while standing idle.

A sort of sad chocobo whistle.

Carved Whistle: Dangling from an aging leather strip that's looped around Sasata's neck, this whistle appears to be a child's attempt at making a chocobo call. Artax seems to be the only one who responds to the weird, choked sound it produces.

A wedding band with a diamond.

Wedding Ring: Though it isn't always on her hand, this ring never leaves Sasata's possession. Regardless of how heavy the betting gets, it's never on the table. She claims she isn't married and that she never has been, so it's not really clear why she has such an attachment to it.

The Traveling Companions!

Artax: A very small, very fast, and very overprotective chocobo, Artax is a runt and an albino who bonded to Sasata early in his life. He has no fear whatsoever and will charge headlong at anything he deems a threat to his best friend. Sasata has trained him to use his size and speed as an advantage - he is nimble, difficult to pin down, and gifted in locating and abusing weak points in his enemy's physique against them. He is a harrier - once he's in a fight, he doesn't relent.

Pockets: Pockets is a baby opo-opo with an eye for shiny objects and swift paws that he won't keep to himself. It's clear he only knows how to come when he's called and how to steal things, only one of which he does on command at any given time. He's not even that good at theft - he lacks any concept of stealth and will stare you in the eyes while rifling your stuff.

Hikaru: A friendly red okuri chochin who tends to hover around while Sasata is doing things. It doesn't seem to care what she's doing, it just wants to be involved in whatever it is. Hikaru doesn't do much aside from hang out and emit light, though it does have a bad habit of stealing unwatched snacks.

Momiji: Sasata tried to buy a regular used umbrella for cheap at the Kogane Dore "everything" store during a cloudburst. Once she opened it, she discovered that her red paper umbrella was actually a tsukomogami! Momiji doesn't say much, but it seems to like just being out while Sasata is in any city and taking in the sights.

Iala Il: Iala is a pixie from Il Mheg who uses Sasata as a beacon of sorts to pop into this world from their own via dreams. Cheerful, funny, and a bit of a prankster, Iala was a good match for Sasata even before she rememembered who she was.

Neko No Te: Sasata's Good Luck Shop!

"Nestled in a back alley near the Mujikoza theatre, there's an unassuming staircase with a cat's paw print and a red arrow pointing up painted on the wall at its base. This easily-missed marker is the ground floor welcome to Neko No Te, one of the best kept secrets of the famed Kogane Dori marketplace.Boasting an unrivaled collection of good luck charms and blessed trinkets from across Othard and the Hingan isles as well as some old Eorzean favourites, this cozy second floor emporium is a must visit for anyone who may need a little extra luck in their lives. Friendly locals are always on staff to help you find the exact sort of luck you're after.Need a testimonial? The locals in the bustling market below swear by the shop's goods, with many of them stating they have never purchased a product that doesn't work as intended. A warning to would-be thieves, however: a sign on the sales counter warns of the dire consequences of extremely bad luck if the charms are pilfered rather than paid for."

- The Raven, Hidden Gems of the East

Originally named (partly in jest) after a Far Eastern saying about being so busy you'd welcome even a cat's help, the full on-the-books name of Sasata's shop is Neko No Te Mo Karitai, though it's usually only called that by people looking for tax payments and tourists. Everyone else just calls it Neko No Te - Cat's Paw.Boasting everything from Hingan Kobayashi fisherman's flags to lucky knot and sheep talismans from the Azim Steppe, all with a guarantee of working magic and a good price, this shop is just the place for an adventurer who needs a little extra oomph. Sasata will even take commissions for custom tailored omamori if you need something special!You are welcome to visit whenever you like as the shop is left open for public, just know Sasata is not always there. If she isn't, messages can be left for her at the service counter - the head clerk always has a book set aside for it.

Shirogane 7 Subdivision, Kobai Goten, Apartment 70

Get Hooked!

Sasata has popped up in a lot of places, and due to her generally outgoing nature and public habits and hobbies she has a number of potential friends and enemies alike. Provided here are some of the reasons you might have to contact her and strike up a story! This is by no means an exhaustive list, so please feel free to contact me if you have another idea you want to run with and we'll see about setting it up. Keep in mind you may have also heard some rumors at some point...

You May Know Sasata if...

  • You are a frequenter of card games, legal or illegal.

  • You spent time in Limsa Lominsa, especially at the Missing Member or with the Sanguine Sirens.

  • You are in or around marketplaces often, especially Kogane Dori in Kugane.

  • You've dealt with the Higuri Regalia at all, especially the Othard branch.

  • You're affiliated with the Yellowjackets or the Sekiseigumi - neither of them can pin anything on her, but she's known to both groups.

  • You are part of the Maelstrom - she's a First Storm Lieutenant, though only the Twelve know how.

  • You're part of, or are friendly with, the Confederacy.

  • You are known to Kugane's or Limsa Lominsa's urchins, for good or ill.

  • You have connections in, or are part of, the Kugane yōkai community.

Sasata, in her Maelstrom gear, waiting to play cards.

You Might Need Sasata if...

  • You're looking for a custom-made omamori for a specific type of luck.

  • You've lost money to her at a gambling table.

  • You need someone to talk pirate at people for some reason.

  • You did a little shoplifting from her store or pickpocketed her and now your luck has gone down the drain completely. You need help.

  • Pockets has "borrowed" something of yours.

  • You've gotten your hands on one of the strange items she's brought through her portals and want to figure out what, exactly, it does.

  • You need a Kugane tour guide who can make sure you don't lose your shirt in the market.

  • You're looking for a drinking buddy you can easily carry home if you need to.

Rumors and Possible Lies!

Sasata has been around quite a bit, and as such there's definitely some rumors floating around. Some of these are fairly common, some less common, and all of them have the potential to be lies Sasata started herself just to keep things interesting or keep potential enemies on the back foot in their encounters. Believe at your own risk!If you plan on using one of the rare or uncommon rumors as a hook or a story, please let me know. Some of them are super rare and not at all common knowledge.

Common Rumors

  • "If you feel like losing yer wages, the lalafell's holding court at the card tables tomorrow." -- [Drowning Wench Patron]

  • "Don't think I ever saw her sad, that one. Always a laugh, and a good tip to boot!" -- [Miqot'e Barmaid]

  • "No idea where she got that blasted monkey, but I hate it." -- [Pickpocketed Lominsan]

  • "I'm sure she's cheating somehow. Somehow." -- [Broke-ass Kugane Gambler]

  • "If your belly is rumblin' an' there's no money for even a steamed bun, drop by the charm shop. She never lets one of us go hungry." -- [Kugane Urchin]

  • "Her charms really work! It's not just a story!" -- [Nosepicking Child]

  • "There's cats everywhere! They almost seem to follow her! It's unsanitary!" --[Flustered Noble]

Uncommon Rumors

  • "They say she's casting spells during the games, but I've never seen her do it." -- [Gold Saucer Table Bunny]

  • "That coin of hers is where all her luck comes from! Someone should steal that thing..." --[Lominsan Thief]

  • "I hear she won her rank in a card game. Don't see how that's possible, but she hasn't exactly denied it yet." -- [Maelstrom Private]

  • "She's an odd one. Keeps strange hours and I think she sleeps in the shop. Some mornings there's no sign of her until her kitten climbs in the window." -- [Kugane Merchant]

  • "I hear both the Sekiseigumi and the Yellowjackets are after her. Wonder what the fuck she did to deserve that mob."-- [Whispering Thug]

  • "I'm not sure where she gets it, but she always has money and she's not afraid to flash it about. There's no way a piddly charm business in Kugane makes that much cash." -- [Unimpressed Lominsan]

Rare Rumors

  • "Psst. Did you hear? They say she once killed a guy. No, really! Jumped right on his back and bit into his neck. Shredded his skin up with her nails, too! I mean, I can't really believe she'd do that, she's so nice, but those teeth..." -- [Doman Rumormonger]

  • "I'm pretty sure she's a kami. Maybe." -- [Star-Struck Geomancer]

  • "They say she's a proper pirate, but I can't see how that's a thing. Look at her, she'd blow off the deck in a stiff breeze! Ha!" -- [Lominsan Deckhand]

  • "I got no idea where she even come from! One second, nothin's there. I turn around an' back an' there she is with those dagger-fans drawn!" --[Would-be Charm Thief]

Rules and Preferences!

  01.  I will not ERP with Sasata. Sasata is panromantic, but is also asexual and sex neutral/averse. She'll show interest in a lot of different people and while gender is not an issue in her attraction, her goal is never sex with any of them.  02.  I won't do animal or child abuse/harm scenes. I may write small bits of them in stories of my own, but I won't play them out with anyone else. This ensures I stay within my comfort on the subjects.  03.  Other mature subjects, within reason, are on the table. While Sasata is a pretty lighthearted character, I don't mind RPing some mature themes with her. Please talk it through with me and we might be able to work something out!  04.  In addition to rule 03, I will not RP mature themes with people under 21. This is my safety and yours here, people. Please don't even ask about mature RP at all if you're under this age. If I find out you are while an arc is ongoing, I will cut you off entirely and warn the community.  05.  I am more than happy with yōkai/supernatural shenanigans, but if you're not, that's fine! Just let me know and I can adjust. I won't force the more supernatural things on people who don't want them; as far as those folks are concerned this is just an odd little Dunesfolk with slit pupils being odd.  06.  I like the lore, but I am open to lore modification and introduction! As you can tell from this character, I don't mind bending things a bit to fit in a cool idea. To me, the lore's a hanger for our fun garments - there to be a basic structure, but other things look good on that framework too so we might as well drape them there.  07.  Sasata is very friendly and so am I! I don't mind being bothered in Discord, email, or game. Feel free to just send a tell if you want Sasata around and I'll make an effort to get her where she needs to be - in game, in Discord, via email, whatever!  08.  I keep some weird hours and I'm not in game when most other Balmung players are. I live in EST, but I work night shift over the weekend so I usually only have time in game between Tuesday and Thursday nights (0000 to about 1300 EST). Contacting me outside those hours (and in general) is easier on Discord or in email.  09.  I prefer paragraph-based, humorous slice of life RP but I'm flexible and willing to match a partner's style and preferences. Short one-off scenes or longer plots, walk-ons in ongoing stories or new best friend material, it's all good!

About the Player...

Hi there! I'm Squirrel (she/they/dude).I'm a character writer and veteran RPer of 30+ years now, if I count both tabletop and in video games. This may or may not make me old enough to be your parental figure. It's okay though, I am still just a puzzling and chaotic mess of an ADHD-riddled creator of nonsense and shenanigans, most of which are in character.Most.If you need a little levity injected into your RP life, give me a call. I specialize in the friendly, the silly, the absurd, and fun!In real life, I'm a night shift nurse at a long-term care facility. In game, I'm mostly DPS now because healing stresses me the hell out.

It Me

The Arts!

A motley collection of screenshots, stories, and artwork done for Sasata/Yotsuba over the years, separated into different sections for your convenience!

Storytime At Sass' Place!

Stories here are divided into two categories: Sasata Classic and Sasata Redux. Classic stories were written before Sasata remembered she was Yotsuba, and because of this they contain no mention of her powers as a lesser auspice of luck - or the Far East in general. Redux stories, on the other hand, all take place after she remembers who she is and may contain references or realignment of her history that don't entirely match up with the Sasata Classic versions.

Shot Through the HeartSass learns to use a gun. It does not go well.Classic
Lady in RedSass joins the crew.Classic
Weapon of ChoiceSass picks up a brand new style.Classic
I Will Remember YouSass remembers. Yotsuba resurfaces.Redux
Dear MamaSass/Yotsuba writes home.Redux

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Beers!

A collection of screens from the years I've played Sass; the ones near the top are the most recently taken ones. Enjoy!

A Storied History...

Born in a traveling trader's caravan that wanders the desert from Southern Thanalan to Ul'dah and back again in a slow loop, Sasata Sata is the oldest female child and the second oldest of five children total born to goldsmith Sesera Sera and professional tailor Jojorak Momorak.A bright, happy, and friendly child, Sasata showed interest in everyone and everything the caravan encountered on its rounds. While her parents, aunts, and uncles would be off wheeling and dealing with the locals, the precocious youth would grill anyone she could about what they did, picking up a little of everything from everyone and repeating the things she learned excitedly over meals. Her mother in particular encouraged this behavior, insisting that she should get to know everyone she could because "you never know where you'll find what you want to do." Both parents taught her the rudimentary skills of their respective crafts so she could help them produce their wares, but Sasata wasn't much for either, and was very easily distracted from them. She never got beyond those beginnings as a result.

A typical caravan cart

A typical chocobo caravan cart

Her maternal grandfather, a moderately trained conjurer and the caravan's healer, noted the girl's sharp intellect and fairly large aether reserves early. He attempted to sit her down long enough to train her in conjury, figuring she would be a good replacement for him when he passed on and a good extra set of hands in the meantime. While she took to the spellcasting as if she was born doing it, she was incapable of hearing (or simply ignored the calls of) the spirits and thus never got beyond the early teachings.She wound up spending most of her childhood helping out random family members as a result of her inability to settle into a role based on her immediate family's jobs, looking for some sort of career she really enjoyed. The closest she came was helping her chocobo breeder uncle, Sasaraji Chacharaji, look after his brood of birds, feeding and caring for the prize animals he bred for racers at the Gold Saucer.

Young Sass and Artax

A young Sasata and Artax

For her sixteenth nameday, her uncle offered Sasata the pick of the current clutch - eggs laid by his prize female, Whitefeather. She chose the egg that was, objectively, the smallest of the lot. Her uncle advised against it, stating that based on the size of the egg alone, there was a good chance it wouldn’t even hatch. If it did, he said, the bird wasn’t likely to make it through its first year of life in the harsh desert. Runts didn’t thrive well out there. Sasata refused to relinquish her choice, partly because she felt a kinship with the tiny egg. She spent some time ensuring the egg got as much warmth and love as could be managed.When the egg finally hatched, a tiny, pale bundle of fluff somehow poked its way through the tough shell, and Sasata was immediately smitten although the bird was very weak. Her uncle again tried to talk her into one of the stronger hatchlings, but his warnings fell on deaf ears. She absolutely doted on the scrawny hatchling, securing it all the best things she could find to make sure it stayed healthy - food, plenty of water. She carried it around in a small harness for the first few weeks, letting it thrive off her body warmth. When it took its first steps, she was overjoyed.

After a few months of her handling and care, the little chocobo was running beside his new best friend through the desert sands. He wouldn’t leave her side, chirping happily as she went about her business and kicking at things that made anything he considered threats toward her. Sasata continued to provide what she could, and the bird, who she had named Artax, thrived with her. Her uncle, meanwhile, was astounded. He was certain the runty bird was not going to survive, but here he was - tiny and strong, just like his niece.

At some point after her twentieth nameday, the family caravan returned to Ul'dah to load up on goods after nearly a year in the desert. Sasata wandered the Ruby Road Exchange, examining goods and keeping an ear out for interesting stories and people. She wound up wandering into a back-alley game of Hide the High Heart, where she spent the afternoon laughing with a large sea wolf man who was recently in from Limsa Lominsa. He regaled her with stories of the sea, of free pirates, of bigger and better card games to be won.Sasata was smitten.

Young Sass and Artax

Limsa Lominsa

For the next few days, she could think of nothing but the Lominsan coastline and fanciful tales of pirates. It was the first time something had grabbed her like this, the only time she'd really been interested this much in something. She let her mother know she had finally figured out where she was supposed to be, and though no one in her family was overly thrilled by her declaration of becoming a famous pirate as a career choice, they waved goodbye and wished her good luck as she rode off from the caravan, her belongings packed into saddlebags on her bird.During her travels, Sasata spoke with and learned from casters from Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa. Her quick mind absorbed everything she could glean from them, dissecting and reassembling their magics and making them her own. Her unique and inclusive perspectives on magic lead her to stitch together her own homebrew style designed to keep her alive and tilt things in her favour. While not as potent as a single-schooled caster in any respect, her personally-branded Fatespinning got what she wanted done.Shortly thereafter she secured lodgings at the Drowning Wench, and began to make a name for herself as a fast-handed gambler who would chat up anyone at her table. Always fun to have around, the bartenders and serving girls loved her for her generous tips while the other players developed a distaste for her winning ways and her ability to seemingly read their next plays directly from their minds. Shortly after she arrived, she won a baby opo-opo in a game. He has since been renamed Pockets (short for pickpockets) for his habit of taking things from other people.It's here in Limsa Lominsa that her real adventures began...Please head to the Literature section to read some of what she's been up to since!

"It Ain't Gallery Figaro, But it's Mine!"

This is the collection of the art I've gotten over the years - artist names are available on mouseover, and you can click them to get a better look at the pieces.Most of the art currently in the gallery is older, before character changes to Sass that changed her looks a bit. It's still good art and it still deserves to be seen, so it's all here. More will be added as time goes on and I get the commissioning itch again, so watch this space!

Call on Me!

So you're thinking about a storyline. Could just be a one-off meeting. Maybe you just want to talk shop. You might even want to share your family's prize-winning butter chicken recipe (yes please!) - no matter the reason, if you need to get in touch with me and can't do Discord, or we just keep missing each other in game...That's what this form is for!Fill it out, hit submit, and hang on. I usually get back to emails within a day, so turnaround should be super fast. Hope to annoy you talk to you soon!

Mail moogle by Pastel Storm

Mail Moogle by Pastel Storm!